5 Things to Say to Your Spouse to Help Them Seek Treatment for Cocaine Abuse
It can be difficult to convince your spouse that they need professional treatment for cocaine abuse. Below are 5 things you can say to help them understand how important their need for treatment is in order to build the recovery they want. You can also call 800-934-3781(Who Answers?) to find rehab facilities that will cater to your spouse’s needs and ensure that you will be able to help your loved one end their cocaine abuse for good.
1. “I Love You.”
Being positive and reminding your spouse that everything you are saying is out of love for them can possibly help diffuse a volatile situation. According to the National Library of Medicine, those who are confronted about their drug abuse often show hostility because they will not want to stop taking the drug. But if you are able to show your spouse how much you care for them, they may realize they should listen to what you are saying.
2. “I Will Support You.”
When you tell your loved one that they will have your support as they begin their recovery, they may start to feel less alone. Addiction is very isolating, and admitting that you need treatment can sometimes be even more daunting. This is why giving your support early on is such an important part of helping someone find the courage and the motivation to seek treatment.
3. “I Feel…”
When you are talking to your spouse, make sure to use “I” statements, telling them “I feel…” “I’ve noticed…” or “I’m afraid…” This will lessen the chance that your loved one will become upset or hostile or feel like you are criticizing them.

Tell your spouse how you feel without criticizing them.
Many individuals use hurt feelings as an excuse to continue abusing cocaine and other drugs, so it is important to be clear that you are not just criticizing them. This can also help them to understand that their addiction affects you too.
4. “I Am Concerned for Our Children.”
At the same time, it is very important to be honest about the things that are concerning you. If you have children, you may not want your spouse to be around them anymore until they seek the help they need. Making these statements will allow your loved one to realize how serious you are and that you will not accept any answer other than an agreement to seek help.
5. “I Want You to Attend Treatment Now.”
Do not give your spouse an out by saying you want them to seek help and not have a plan in place for them. It is important to already have a treatment option in mind and for the program to be readily available so they can begin recovery as soon as possible. This will create a much better outcome than if you are indecisive about the program you want them to attend.
Seek Cocaine Addiction Treatment Now
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Involvement of a family member or significant other in an individual’s treatment program can strengthen and extend treatment benefits.”
Call 800-934-3781(Who Answers?) today to find safe, reliable rehab centers that will provide professional care for the treatment of your loved one’s cocaine addiction.