5 Ways to Recognize You Need Cocaine Addiction Treatment
Cocaine abuse can quickly turn into addiction, especially for someone who uses the substance frequently. Seeking treatment is necessary for those who cannot stop abusing cocaine on their own, and the dangerous effects of the drug will be more and more likely to occur the longer you go without treatment. Below are five ways to recognize you need cocaine addiction treatment. Call 800-934-3781(Who Answers?) now, and find a rehab facility that fits your needs.
1. Experiencing an Overdose
According to the National Library of Medicine, “With higher doses [of the drug], sweating, tremors, confusion, [elevated body temperature]… kidney damage, seizures, stroke, irregular heartbeats and sudden death can occur.” A cocaine overdose is extremely dangerous, and you will need to be brought to a hospital to avoid its deadly effects. Once you abuse a drug to the point of experiencing an overdose, it is important to seek treatment, as you now know you no longer can control your use of the substance.
2. Practicing the Binge-Crash Cycle

If your cocaine use has lead to losing your job or an important relationship, you are likely addicted.
The binge-crash cycle is a method of abusing cocaine that quickly leads to addiction. A person abuses the drug frequently over a period of time to prolong its effects and then, eventually, crashes. This is extremely dangerous for both the mind and body, and it shows that an individual’s pattern of abuse is worsening––and will continue––to worsen with time.
3. Tolerance
If you begin abusing cocaine in a specific amount and then realize this same amount no longer causes the same effects for you, you are experiencing a tolerance to the drug. Your body no longer responds to the same amount of cocaine because you are getting used to its effects, becoming more addicted to it and dependent on it. Without treatment, this will lead you to abusing higher and higher doses of the drug each time you use it, as you will not be able to stop on your own.
4. Withdrawal Symptoms
According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research, the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal “can include depression, irritability… fatigue, anxiety, and an intense craving for the drug.” When you begin experiencing these symptoms every time you cannot abuse cocaine, your body and mind is already dependent on the drug. In addition, the cravings that occur as the result of cocaine abuse are severe and, even after treatment, can still occur years down the road.
5. Experiencing Monumental Problems in Your Life
If you have experienced more than one of the issues below as a result of your cocaine abuse in the last year, you are likely already addicted.
- Lost your job
- Experienced financial problems
- Were reprimanded in school/Had failing grades
- Lost an important relationship
- Got arrested
When one of these issues (or something equally as devastating) occurs as the result of your drug abuse and you still cannot stop, it is time to seek treatment.
Find Cocaine Addiction Rehab Centers Now
Call 800-934-3781(Who Answers?) to find cocaine rehab centers. We can help you find a treatment facility that will cater to your needs as well as answer any questions you have about cocaine abuse, addiction, and recovery. In addition, even if you have not experienced any of the issues listed above, it is never too early to seek treatment for drug abuse.