7 Signs Your Cocaine Abuse is Out of Your Control
It is very easy to become addicted to cocaine, and it is common for someone who abuses this drug not to realize their use has become problematic until severe consequences start to occur. Below are 7 signs your cocaine abuse is starting to get out of control.
Having no control over substance abuse is the strongest sign of addiction. Call 800-934-3781(Who Answers?) now to find rehab centers where you can recover from a substance use disorder.
1. Making Excuses
According to the National Library of Medicine, “Making excuses to use drugs” is a strong sign that your substance abuse is no longer within your control. If you have started telling yourself you need cocaine because you have a stressful job, you have to stay thin, or for some other reason, seek help immediately.
2. Apathy
If you are beginning to feel apathetic toward the other aspects of your life that are not associated with cocaine, it is very likely that the use of the drug is taking over your life, your thoughts, and your interests. You will need help from a professional rehab program in order to put an end to this.
3. Inability to Cut Back

Cocaine abuse can cause psychosis, which puts the user and others in danger.
You may have already tried to cut back on your cocaine use at this point or even tried to stop using the drug. But if you have found this to be extremely difficult––or impossible––you no longer have control over your cocaine use.
4. Psychotic Symptoms
Cocaine commonly causes a number of psychological symptoms when the drug is affecting the brain. But according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, sometimes, “a full-blown psychosis, in which the individual loses touch with reality and experiences auditory hallucination,” paranoia, and hostile behavior occurs (even while they are not on the drug). This is a severe sign of cocaine addiction, and it is important to seek help immediately for psychotic symptoms.
5. Withdrawal Symptoms
If you have tried to cut back on your cocaine use, you are likely familiar with the uncomfortable and mentally draining withdrawal symptoms associated with the drug. You will require professional treatment to safely navigate these effects and quit your cocaine abuse successfully.
5 Reasons Why Treatment is Still Necessary for Infrequent Cocaine Abusers
6. Overdose
Experiencing an overdose is a sign that you can no longer control your cocaine intake, nor gauge how much your body can handle. Continuing to use the drug after this point will only become more dangerous.
7. Life Problems
Continuing to use cocaine, even when the drug begins to cause serious problems at work, school, and in your personal life, shows you are unable to stop when you know you should. Without the help of a professional treatment program, it may not be possible for you to put an end to your cocaine abuse.
Call Now and Seek Help
We want to find the best rehab center for your needs and ensure that you begin a treatment program that will help you make a positive change in your life. Call 800-934-3781(Who Answers?) now to learn about your options or to ask any questions you may have about cocaine abuse, addiction, and rehab.