What are the Short-Term Physical Side Effects of Cocaine Abuse, And How are They Treated?
The act of abusing cocaine can cause many physical side effects. Whether a person has been using the drug for a long or a short period of time, cocaine can cause severe physical issues that, often, require treatment.
Short-term Physical Side Effects of Cocaine
According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research, “The immediate, intense cocaine high lasts about 15 to 30 minutes when snorting while effects from smoking last approximately 5 to 10 minutes; residual effects can continue for 1 to 2 hours, however.” Some of the most prominent of these are physical effects, including:
- Constricted blood vessels
- Dilated pupils
- Increased temperature
- Increased heart rate
- Increased blood pressure
- Stress on the heart and circulatory system
- Impotence
- Insomnia
There is also a strong possibility that a person may participate in risky behaviors while high on cocaine, which can lead to injuries and the transmission of diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, and others.
Most of these physical effects will wear off a few hours after the drug itself does, but a person may require further treatment if they do not. Unfortunately, though, once someone contracts a disease like one of the ones listed above, they will require long-term management for their symptoms.
Treatment of Side Effects

Cocaine can cause a dangerous increase in body temperature that may require treatment.
Because the majority of the physical side effects associated with cocaine use will dissipate in time, few treatments are provided unless medical intervention is required for the safety of the patient. In cases in which there is a problem with heightened temperature that poses a risk of overheating of the body, an ice bath may be ordered. When blood pressure spikes, medications to reduce the blood pressure may be provided.
Insomnia generally dissipates as the drug wears off as will dilated pupils and similar problems. Doctors generally pay close attention to the risky factors of cocaine use related side effects and offer treatment for high blood pressure, heightened temperature, and increased heart rate because these are the conditions which pose a serious threat to the overall health of the user.
Cocaine Addiction Treatment Can Help
If you are addicted to cocaine or have been abusing it for a long time, you should seek rehab in order to minimize and treat all of the side effects and symptoms of your abuse. Call 800-934-3781(Who Answers?) today to find out more or to find treatment centers in your area.